Window Screen Repair vs. Replacement: Making the Right Decision

When the window screens are damaged, is it necessary to replace the screens completely? Even if you can see visible damage, it doesn’t necessarily mean you must tear out the old screens and start from scratch. The truth is that screen repair services can be an effective way to extend the durability and lifespan of your screens, helping you avoid the need to replace them in the future.Window Screen Repair vs. Replacement Making the Right Decision

While some homeowners might be quick to jump into product replacement when there are problems, our professionals understand the benefits of preserving what you already have. Investing in screen repair services is wise before assuming that replacement is necessary.

Signs You Need New Window Screens

How do you know when it’s time for a new window screen installation? Here are a few common signs that the screens are damaged beyond repair:

  • Large, Visible Damage: Look at the screens and see if you can spot any areas that are seriously damaged. Tears, holes, and missing mesh are all signs that you might benefit from screen mesh replacement. On the other hand, if the window screen frames are rusting, bent, or broken, you should consider a complete window screen replacement.
  • Dull Screens or a Change in Color: When the window screens start looking dull or unusually shiny, it could indicate that the materials are damaged from the weather elements. Consult an expert team to see if you need a window screen replacement. In some situations, you might be able to hire a window screen cleaning company to wash away the grime and help your screens look as good as new.
  • Bugs are Coming Inside: Window screens are designed to keep the pests out of your home. If you open the windows and the screens are damaged, then it means that the insects might be able to come inside. Take a look at the damaged areas to determine the extent of the issue, then consult with an experienced window screen repair service in Temecula to determine the optimal solution for your screens: repair vs. replacement.

Protecting the Quality of Your Window Screens

A little bit of maintenance right now can have an undeniable impact to protect your screens in the future. For more information about window screen cleaning and repair services, talk to our team at Pozitive Enterprises. Contact us to book a consultation and learn more about available commercial and residential services: (951) 710-7044.
