Window Screen Repair Time: Fixing Damaged Screens Once Kids Are Back in School

Now that the kids are back in school, does it feel like you have a lot more time on your hands? It can be challenging to keep up with home maintenance projects during summer vacation because the days are filled with fun adventures and family vacations. As the family is getting back into the school routine, it’s an excellent opportunity for you to take a look at your outstanding home maintenance list.

Getting ahead of these home repairs and maintenance is a good idea before we start getting closer to the holiday season. The beginning of the school year is always the perfect time to optimize your productivity on the projects that need your attention.Window Screen Repair Time Fixing Damaged Screens Once Kids Are Back in School

Have you added window screen cleaning and repair services in Temecula to your to-do list? Here are a few things you need to know about cleaning and repairing the screens in your home:

Safety at All Times

When considering getting your torn or damaged screens repaired or replaced, consider the safety risks when removing them, especially if you have any that are hard to reach on 2- or 3-story homes.  It is recommended to hire a professional company that takes all the necessary precautions and has the proper safety training and tools to get to your screens.

Repairing Instead of Replacing

Just because some of the window screens are torn doesn’t mean that you need to come up with the money to replace all the window screens. In fact, screen repair services in Temecula are affordable and can extend the lifespan of your current screens.

DIY vs. Pro Services

Yes, you can find window screen repair tutorials online. But this project requires time and skills. Instead of spending your evenings and weekends trying to figure out how to fix the windows, letting the experts handle the work for you makes sense. Then, you can prioritize family time since there are limited hours in a day you get to spend with the kids when they are back in school. Plus, professional services ensure that the job is done right!

Peace of Mind

Can you put a price tag on the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your windows and screens are in place and secure? These features in your home are essential to keep your family protected. If there are any issues with the windows or screens, then it’s important to repair these problems as quickly as possible.

Fresh Air

Finally, when the weather is starting to cool off, it’s the perfect time of year to open the windows and bring in a fresh breeze. If you have sturdy screens, you can open the windows without worrying about pests sneaking their way inside.

Call for Pro Screen Repair Services in Temecula

At Pozitive Enterprises, we’re here to help with window screen cleaning, window screen repair, solar panel cleaning, window cleaning, and more. Contact us at your convenience to schedule a consultation to discuss available services for your home: (951) 710-7044.
